Advancing Integrated Governance

Advancing Integrated Governance

Develop collaborative, transparent and agile governance structure for global environmental management

How can we engage civil society and promote multilateralism?

Harmonizing global environmental policies and multilateral agreements

Harmonizing global environmental policies and multilateral agreements

Engaging diverse societal sectors in decision-making and implementation

Engaging diverse societal sectors in decision-making and implementation

Promoting innovation in science and technology for effective governance

Promoting innovation in science and technology for effective governance

Integrated governance is essential if we are to address the multiple ecological and climate crises we face as a human race. To do so, we must act at multiple levels of cooperation, including international agreements, technology assessment, and civil society engagement.

The United Nations SDGs provide a comprehensive framework to guide us in understanding and monitoring the areas where action is most needed, acknowledging complexity without losing sight of the big picture1^1.


SDGs: a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030


Harmonizing international environmental policies and agreements

No poverty

  • 1.1 International poverty
  • 1.2 National poverty
  • 1.3 Social protection
  • 1.4 Access to basic services
  • 1.5 Resilience to disasters
  • 1.a Resources for poverty programs
  • 1.b Poverty eradication policies
On track
Moderately or Severely off track
Stagnation or regression
Insufficient data

Saudi Arabia’s institutional framework for achieving SDGs in the country and internationally

Sep 2015
UN resolution on SDGs

UN General Assembly Resolution on the SD Agenda adopted by Saudi Arabia

MAY 2016
MEP Mandate

Royal decree giving the Ministry of Economy and Planning responsibility for monitoring the achievement of the SDGs

JUL 2020 - Jul 2021
Ecosystem Roadmap

Roadmap to create SDG ecosystem in KSA to enable implementation

SEP 2021
SDSC Establishment

Royal Decree to establish Sustainable Development Steering Committee and develop KSA Sustainability Roadmap

Apr 2022
Tactical Roadmap

KSA Sustainability Roadmap is an action-oriented roadmap with 150+ tactical recommendations on achieving sustainability in KSA

Apr 2022 - DEc 2022
Whole-of-Government and Whole-of-Society Approach

Promoting stakeholder engagement and adopting a collaborative approach to jointly shape and determine the objectives for the KSA Sustainability Roadmap

Tactical Roadmap

SDG Policy Notes design, data governance, VNR publication, SDG Platform design & implementation, Launch sustainability award, and Communication plan

SDGs and Vision 2030

Two frameworks meeting in Saudi Arabia around five key objectives


Long lasting, inclusive well-being society

Long lasting, inclusive well-being society

Supporting SDGs

  • 1 - No poverty
  • 2 - Zero hunger
  • 3 - Good health and well-being
  • 5 - Gender equality
  • 10 - Reduced inequalities

Advancing Saudi Vision 2030 Goals

  • Achieved 0% poverty rates based on international standards
  • Expanded social protection programs for vulnerable groups
  • Increased access to essential services like education, healthcare, and housing